Morning service (10:30am) and evening service (6:30pm) are streamed online. These will be two different services, with Bible readings, songs, prayers and a sermon.



If the links above do not work, you can also view the services 'live' and on 'catch-up' - on the Clayton TV YouTube channel.

If you experience a delay between the video and audio when watching the weekly service, that can (in most cases) be fixed by 'refreshing' / reloading the page. However, if that doesn't fix it or if you're having any problems during the service either comment on the live chat on YouTube or email which is manned throughout the services.

Support for those who are unable to access our online services

We can send you by post each week either 1) a large print transcript and Audio CD of morning and evening sermons or 2) a DVD of the whole morning and evening services .

If you would benefit from this please contact Carolyn Hosie or Ramzi Adcock for more details.