This is a one or two year training scheme for Christians seeking to be better trained and equipped for future gospel ministry.
Over the last 20 years, over 80 men and women have been trained up in this way. Many went on to further theological study and church ministry roles in the UK and abroad. Others now work in a range of professions and contexts, equipped to live for Jesus there and actively involved in the life of the church.
What is involved?
- Training: Be equipped to study the Bible and develop a Christian mind
- Ministry Experience: Develop ministry skills ‘on the job’ in a range of ministry areas in church
- Practical Service: Serve the church by helping with practical tasks
- Christian Growth: Grow in your relationship with God and your Christian character
Download the Ministry Trainee Booklet to find out more about what is involved as a Ministry Trainee.
Applications are open for 2024-25. Email Fi Alston for the application, or if you have any questions.