FEBRUARY 2024 Giving Review Form – click here
If you are looking to financially support the work of Jesmond Parish Church we suggest giving to The Jesmond Trust (a registered charity), which funds most of the staff and much of our ministry; it also enables our mission giving.
For more information, you can download our Giving Booklet as a PDF which gives information about our giving scheme. We encourage regular giving by standing order.
You can set up a standing order via online banking, using the following bank details:
Account Name “Trustees of the Jesmond Trust"
Sort Code: 30-93-71
Account Number: 00258445
Please use the reference: SurnameInitialGIFT (e.g. SmithJGIFT for John Smith) and email to let our finance team know, so they can expect your gift.
You can also download the Giving Forms (Response, Gift Aid Declaration and Standing Order forms) and fill them in on your computer. The completed Response form and Gift Aid Declaration form PDFs can be sent to
(You might need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to use the PDF downloads. You can download the Adobe Acrobat Reader software for free by clicking here).
If you have any queries about giving please contact Claire Leith (Finance Administrator) or email
How would you like to give?
If you prefer you can give by your own online banking to make a donation or set up a standing order using the following bank details:
Account Name “Trustees of the Jesmond Trust"
Sort Code: 30-93-71
Account Number: 00258445
Please use the reference: SurnameInitialGIFT (e.g. SmithJGIFT for John Smith) and email to let our finance team know, so they can expect your gift.
Click here to view the Jesmond Trust data privacy notice.
If you would like to give by cheque, please make your cheque payable to ‘The Jesmond Trust’ and post it to The Church Office at:
3 Osborne Road
Please mark your cheque if you would like it allocated to a specific purpose.
If you would like us to claim gift-aid on a gift by cheque, please complete the Jesmond Trust Gift Aid Declaration, found here, and return it with your cheque.
Click here to view the Jesmond Trust data privacy notice.