Mission Giving

We have a specific account – the ‘Jesmond World Mission Account’ – to financially support our mission partners. You can give generally to support all our mission partners, or let us know if you would like to direct your giving to a specific mission partner.

All our giving at communion services goes to this account. Each month we support a different mission partner or project. In the month of February, our Communion Giving is for the work of Andrew and Janet Sweet in personnel support and Bible typesetting with Wycliffe Bible Translators.

How would you like to give?


Please make your mission cheque payable to the Jesmond World Mission Account and write [intent] on the back of the cheque then post to

3 Osborne Rd, 
Newcastle upon Tyne,
NE2 2AU.

Please Use account The Jesmond World Mission Account, Account No. 00394314 and sort code 30-93-71.

Use reference YOURSURNAME[intent] (e.g.SMITH[intenteg]) on the payment, or email finance@church.org.uk to notify the finance staff of your donation.