“I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarrelling.” (1 Timothy 2:8).

What does God want for men? One thing at least is clear; he wants them to pray!

Currently we run two prayer meetings every month for men at JPC. One takes place online on a Friday morning and one meets on a Saturday morning in the Church Hall.

Curry Nights

Curry_1We've enjoyed great food from Cafe Spice in heaton at various events over the years - so much so that a group usually head over once a month for a meal together. Get in touch for more details about the next visit!

Book of the Year

The Four Loves Book CoverLooking for something good to read? We've probably all had moments in life where we've needed to reach out to friends. And perhaps we've had moments where we've wanted to be better friends to others. But have we considered what is the nature of friendship?

What brings it to life and what allows it to flourish, and what stops it becoming a clique? 

Lewis examines "the blending and overlapping" of our loves; affection, friendship and eros - and shows that each awaits completion and perfection by the love of God, (charity aka grace). 

  • First Friday of the Month

    Men's Prayer zoom
    • When

      Fridays, 7.20–8am

    • Venue

      on Zoom (contact us for details)

    • Dates

      March 07, April 04

    More Info
  • Third Saturday of the Month

    Men's Prayer Breakfast
    • When

      Saturdays, 9–10.15am

    • Venue

      JPC Church Hall, Eskdale Terrace, Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 4DJ

    • Dates

      February 22, March 15, April 19, May 17, July 19

    More Info