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Ministry Areas

Wed 27 Mar 2024


Wednesday Women

A daytime Bible study for women

Toddler Group

A group for parents and carers with toddlers and pre-schoolers

Toddler group is for parents, grandparents and carers with toddlers and pre-school children. We provide a large, fun and safe environment for you and your child to enjoy a variety of free play and structured activities. The session costs £2.50 per family (payable on the day).

New families are always welcome - why not drop in and give it a try? No need to pre-book - just come along! If you'd like more info please get in touch with Bex at


Women's Mandarin Bible Study

Thu 28 Mar 2024


Thursday Group

A daytime Bible study for women with pre-school children
  • Ministry Area Women
  • 0-4 Child care & Activities

Thursday Ladies

A daytime Bible study for women
  • Ministry Area Women
  • Passage: James 4:13-5:20


From camping skills, to cooking, to crafts and earning badges guides provides a great place to learn skills and build friendships.

Our leaders are friendly, encouraging and passionate about girlguiding. Most of our leaders attend Jesmod Parish Church so will also spend some time discussing bits from the Bible alongside other guiding activities.


Maundy Thursday Holy Communion

Fri 29 Mar 2024


Good Friday All Age Service 'Mock, Block or Follow'

  • Ministry Area Services
  • Passage: Mark 15
  • 0-4 Child care & Activities
  • In-person
  • Online

This morning Sam Reed will be talking to the whole church family on 'Mock, Block or Follow' from Mark 15 - The Great I AM, outside of time and space, was born as one of us. And what did we do? We wanted him dead. But you know what? God knew that. Sam explores how Jesus knew his life would lead to this moment on the cross, but he still went and died there.


Good Friday Hour of Meditation

Led by Liam Chilton and Liz Jackson

Sun 31 Mar 2024


Sunrise Communion on the beach

with baptisms

“Now on the first day of the week Mary Magdalene came to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb.” John 20:1

Gather on the beach ‘early…while it is still dark’ to greet Resurrection Day. It’s the night the clocks change (so one less hour in bed!) and it might be quite cold, but we meet at 6:30am to watch the sunrise (at 06:39), sing, pray, read scripture and share bread and wine together. The meeting point is outside Rendezvous Café (on the beach side), Northern Promenade, Whitley Bay NE26 1TP. Parking is available nearby but sadly no public transport at that time. You do not need to book, but it would help our planning to know if you intend to join us, and we could let you know if we have to cancel due to adverse weather! You can book below, by midnight on Thursday 28 March please.


Baby/Toddler Crèche

Our crèches for children from birth to 30 months

Our baby and toddler crèches are for children from birth to 18 months (baby crèche) and 18 to 30 months (toddler crèche). Doors open at 10:20am (10mins before the service starts) and children will be able to enjoy playing with our wide variety of toys and equiptment. There will also be a Bible time and craft for the toddlers each week.

Children will be warmly welcomed and cared for by an experienced team leader and team of helpers, all of whom are regular church members who have been DBS (police) checked. 

If you'd like to know more about this group please get in touch with Bex Tasker.



Our Sunday Group for pre-schoolers aged 30+ months

Scramblers is our Sunday Group for pre-schoolers aged 30+ months. Doors open at 10:20am (10mins before the service starts) and we will have lots of free play time including playdough, building blocks, cars, trainset, home corner, books and puzzles; then a short talk from the Bible, some singing and a prayer, plus a creative activity.

If you'd like to know more about this group please get in touch with Sam Reed.


Morning Service 'Is Easter Believable?'

Easter Day
  • Ministry Area Services
  • Passage: Luke 24
  • 0-14 Child care & Activities
  • In-person
  • Online

This morning Ian Garrett will be preaching on 'Is Easter Believable?' from Luke 24 - How can we be sure that Jesus really rose from the dead? Ian Garrett explores the experiences of the people who first saw Jesus alive again.



Our Sunday Group for children in Rec - Yr2

Climbers is our Sunday Group for children in Reception - Year 2. The Climbers start off in church for the first 10 minutes of the service. Then the service leader will send them through to the main hall where they'll be met by our Climbers leaders. The rest of the session will include games, creative activities, a Bible talk, memory verses and more!

If you'd like to know more about this group, please get in touch with Sam Reed.



Our Sunday Group for children in Yr3 - 6

Explorers is our Sunday Group for children in Year 3 - 6. The Explorers start off in church for the first 10 minutes of the service. They'll then be sent through to the main hall where they'll be met by our Explorers leaders. The rest of the session will include games and activities, a Bible talk, discussion and prayer in small groups and more!

If you'd like to know more about this group, please get in touch with Sam Reed.


Holy Communion 'The Evening of the First Day'

Easter Day
  • Ministry Area Services
  • Passage: John 20:19-23
  • In-person
  • Online

This evening Jonathan Pryke will be preaching on 'The Evening of the First Day' from John 20:19-23 - What does is look like to live between Good Friday and Easter Day? What does it look like to live after Easter Day? Jonathan Pryke reminds us what Jesus is calling us to do in the light of the events of the cross and resurrection.