We meet every Sunday at 10.30am and 6.30pm for morning and evening services, with Bible readings, songs, prayers and a sermon. Both services are streamed online at jpc.org.uk/livestream

The 10.30am service includes groups for under 14's - Baby/Toddler Creche, Scramblers, Climbers (school year R-2), Explorers (school year 3-6) and Pathfinders (school year 7-9).

  • Climbers, Explorers and Pathfinders join the service for the first ten minutes and then leave to join their groups.
  • Children for Creche and Scramblers are dropped off at their groups before the service begins.

Morning sermon series on Genesis 1-3: In The Beginning

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Genesis 1-3 is about two beginnings. There is the beginning of everything, by God’s creation, which explains who we are, why we’re here, and why we experience so much that is good. But there is also the beginning of sin, which explains what is wrong with us and the world, and why we experience so much that is bad. Only by understanding those two beginnings will we understand ourselves – and, more importantly, understand why Jesus had to come.

Evening sermon series on Mark 1-4: Jesus By Mark

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The Gospels are the crucial evidence in the Bible for helping us decide what we believe about Jesus. And once we believe, they’re the crucial evidence for growing our confidence in Jesus and in speaking about him. And that’s why we’re doing the early chapters of Mark’s Gospel – to get a fresh look at Jesus, however well we think we know him.

If you need assistance, ask one of the sidemen when you arrive.

You can catch up with sermons from previous weeks on clayton.tv or on Print&Audio.

Download the October to December termcard here.